September 15th, 2022

Call To Order - 9:06AM 

  • Today we were graciously hosted by SIDEARM Sports in the State Tower building. If anyone else would like to host our monthly meeting, please reach out to us.

  • Members - We had 15 participants in today’s meeting representing businesses, residents, and community leaders.

Beautification (Chair: Betsy Elkins)

  • We will be looking at changing some of the plants that will hopefully do better next year, but overall we were happy with the look of the square

  • Cleanup Clan

    • We will try to schedule a fall cleanup and social event on OCTOBER 15st 10am that we can call Leaves and Lattes.

    • We are hoping to turn this into a monthly Saturday Cleanup next year.

  • Hanover Square Bike Rack

    • The installation will be happening this week.

  • Hanover Fountain is being inspected and hoping to have a plan together. Once the report is back, we will hear about what the options are out there.


  • Hanover Thursdays:

    • Out preformed our expectations

    • Next year we will be targeting the 5 weeks of August next year.

    • A number of sponsors are already excited for next year.

  • GeniusNY teams arrived downtown for the next 4 months and are competing for a million dollar prize which should be awarded in November.

  • 16th Annual Downtown Living Tour “Live Downtown For A Day” with free museum tours for the day. For tickets, visit

    • Saturday Sept 24th 4 out of 5 stops are Air BNBs and all the museums are on the tour. Free admission to all the museums and there are also some Downtown Deals for participants.

    • Hanover’s own Gere Building is on the tour this year.

  • New York State School Board Conventions will be the week of Notre Dame football game and will be the biggest convention of the year.

  • Syracuse Bike Party is the last Saturday of each month at 6:45pm for a light fun bike ride that comes back to Hanover Square at the end.


  • Invite your friends and neighbors to our next meeting.


  • We have had some reports of harassment from the unhoused population near the square next to the Atrium.

New Business

  • Communion Wine and Spirits will be opening soon here in the State Tower building. There will be a wine and dinner experience as a grand opening event with the Chef at Eden.

  • MetroFitness has opened up a spin studio with their recent expansion and now provides the only spin experience downtown.

Meeting Adjourned - 9:51AM


October 20th, 2022


August 18th, 2022