February 16th, 2023

Call To Order - 9:04AM 

  • Today we were graciously hosted in the State Tower building by SideArm Sports. If anyone else would like to host our monthly meeting, please reach out to us.

  • Members - We had 14 participants in today’s meeting representing businesses, residents, and community leaders.

Hanover Square Outlook 2023

  • We have decided to put together some goals and a strategic plan heading forward.

    • Increase member participation at monthly meetings and annual events

    • Increase the Association's exposure within the City

    • Increase member confidence in fulfilling the Association's vision and mission

    • Provide the highest level of service to its members

Beautification (Chair: Betsy Elkins)

  • Hanover Square Gates

    • The gate has been open for deliveries and such and seems to be closed at night. However, it appears that some vehicles are using deliveries as an excuse to open the gates and will remain parked there for hours.

    • Maybe there can be more of a time frame for “deliveries” to lighten the load for the Parks Department.

  • TNT Memorial Proposal

    • Our funding for the memorial planter bed has been approved. Last month we voted on the suggestions that Ally Walker made for painting the electrical box and we will present the following winners to Ally for some sketches or drafts.

      • Floral Garden with Butterflies

      • Music Jukebox

      • Typography Mural

        • It was noted that quotes from people who have been to Hanover Square might be nice (PT Barnum as it pertained to the Cardiff Giant etc),

        • We would like it to continue to be inclusive

  • The Planter Boxes are currently in the care of the Downtown Committee, and will be placed back soon (once the necessary repairs have been made). We spoke a little bit today about where to place those planters once they are up and running. One suggestion was to place them in the sidewalk between Genesee St and the buildings to further limit cars from driving on the sidewalk to avoid the gates.

  • Hanover Thursdays.

    • We will submit a funding request to TNT because there were some additional funds left over from their capital projects.

    • There is an extra week of music this year and the bands are already signed up.

    • The vendor village may extend down City Place to allow for more displays.

    • Someone mentioned the prospect of blocking the Warren St.

  • Banners will be placed on the gates.

  • Fountain Update: The fountain is still being assessed and there are a number of options that are being discussed.

  • We will be doing a neighborhood cleanup with the downtown committee and then we’ll do a planting event a few weeks afterward.


  • Downtown Dining Weeks March 1-15th 50 restaurants signed up this year. downtownsyracuse.com for menus

  • March 15th “315” day. If you have any specials, send them to the Downtown Committee

  • This weekend is Winterfest

  • Hanover Earth Day Cleanup with the Downtown Committee. April 22nd

    • First or 3rd week in May for the planting/networking event.

    • We will look to sponsor some sort of food or drink for that going forward.


  • Invite your friends and neighbors to our next meeting.


  • There were some reports of the tall street lights being out. We will look to identify them and submit them to CityLine.

New Business

  • Continued issue with trash containment from the commercial spaces. Some trash is not being contained within containers or the containers are blowing open or over, allowing the wind to spread the trash all through the neighborhood.

Meeting Adjourned - 9:48AM


March 16th, 2023


January 19th, 2023